KomunIKON Conferences

KomunIKON representatives will give talks at 3 prestigious academic conferences:
1) July 8th: SciLang 2022, a conference on holistic integration of languages into science and science into languages, University of Lancaster (Cesco Reale, Laura Meloni, Andriana Georgieva)
Science and Modern Languages are often misperceived as being “separate”. Although science and languages are rarely discussed together, many scientists speak (several) languages and use them in their careers. Furthermore, many linguists are interested in science and make important contributions to scientific and engineering activities. SciLang conference aims to promote a more holistic approach to languages and science for scientists interested in languages and linguists interested in science.
2) July 14th: Emoji Workshop 2022, https://aiisc.ai/emoji2022/
(Laura Meloni, Phimolporn Hitmeangsong, Bernhard Appelhaus, Edgar Walthert, Cesco Reale)
Emoji 2022 aims to stimulate research on understanding the social, cultural, communicative, and linguistic roles of emoji and developing novel computational approaches to analyze, interpret and understand emoji and their usage in social media applications. It will provide a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry in the areas of computer science, natural language processing, computational linguistics, human-computer interaction, and computational social sciences to discuss high-quality research and emerging applications, to exchange ideas and experience, and to identify new opportunities for collaboration. Emoji 2022 is the 5th of a series of emoji understanding workshops conducted by the organizers.
3) July 15th: iConLangs 2022, International Constructed Languages Conference, University of Torino https://sites.google.com/unito.it/i-conlangs22/home-page
(Laura Meloni, Bernhard Appelhaus, Linda Sanvido, Cesco Reale)
I-CON langs I 2022 is a peer-reviewed international conference that looks for significant contributions in all major fields of linguistics directly related to the ConLangs, and is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of ArtLangs and linguistics. It aims at interconnecting researchers and pioneers in conlanging, providing an opportunity for academics and linguists in various fields to bridge this knowledge gap and promote research on the subject.
Moreover, two papers will be published in the following months, one for each of the last 2 conferences. KomunIKON is becoming internationally recognized and it sparks interest in many different domains.