Language FunFest Blog

A virtual language event like no other! 

This weekend, our team joined the Language FunFest, an online event held from December 1st to 3rd, 2023. The whole idea was  to help everyone reignite the spark of learning languages. 

Participants immersed themselves in various fun activities learning to bring joy back into their language-learning routine.

On December 3rd, our team members Laura, Andriana and Dina were happy to present the LUDIKON game to the participants. 

Laura presented the KomunIKON project and why it would be helpful in language learning and explained the rules of the game. Andriana kept scores for  guessing  icons and  sentences. Dina facilitated it all, sharing the presentation and keeping time.

The participants of the Language FunFest were enthusiastic about  our LUDIKON game. They had a lot of fun guessing the meaning of the icons and sentences as the difficulty increased.  And the winner, Michael Millar, got an annual tv club plan kindly given away by the organizer, Lauren Williams from the Polyglot Station!

Check out their feedback on the game below:

A big thank you to everyone who joined in and made Language FunFest a fantastic language-learning party! 🎉