Ludikon Game – Polyglot Gathering 2022

The Polyglot Gathering takes place every year in spring. It is the world’s biggest international event for polyglots and language lovers. Every presentation, activity, and social program is related to languages; this year, as in 2021, we presented our Ludikon Game at the Polyglot Gathering online.
The game was run via Zoom by Cesco Reale (founder), Laura Meloni (linguist team) and Andriana Georgieva (strategy team).
After a short introduction about the project KomunIKON, we started the game. Laura showed a first icon and the participants (about 40) had 20 seconds to guess the meaning writing their answer to Cesco via private chat, then Cesco assigned 50 points to the first correct answer, 40 to the second one and 30 to the third one. Andriana managed the points and the standings through the website
Laura showed overall about 20 icons and at the end entire iconic sentences made of 5-6 icons. The winner was the young russian polyglot Pjotr Fjedosov, that was interviewed by Cesco in Moscow in 2017 when he was only 12 and spoke already 5 languages! Here you find the video.
We rewarded the contestants with an exclusive discount code for our products in the shop. We got great feedback from the contestants that enjoyed a lot the LudIKON game. In a past edition they even asked if we could do a second session, but unfortunately it was not possible. If you want to organize a LudIKON game feel free to contact us!